Deb's Corner

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The Purpose of Hostess Coaching

Hostess Coaching describes the frequent contact you have with your Hostess before her party to ensure its success. Coaching is one of the most critical aspects of your business because it greatly influences the sales and bookings that will result from each party.

Coaching is the motivation that keeps your Hostess working toward a successful party. When consultants nurture this relationship, they increase the party’s potential, as well as the potential of turning the Hostess into a consultant.

There are many ways a Hostess can be coached toward a successful party. I’ll present the best ideas, each of them proven by experience, to be successful. As you develop your Hostess coaching skills, gradually implement the ideas presented in this blog so that your parties consistently generate high sales, bookings and new Consultants.

What Needs To Be In Place?

The success of a party is directly related to the quantity and quality of your contact with the Hostess. A study conducted by AZULI SKYE identified poor communication as one of the greatest frustrations of a Hostess. You can avoid this by keeping in touch and clearly communicating her role in making the party a success.

Consultants who wish to build their business quickly and efficiently ensure a high level of excellence by understanding four elements that maximize every party’s results: Hostess rapport, motivation, instruction and appreciation. These are the keys to more sales, bookings and sponsoring leads.


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