Deb's Corner

Start Living... for a Living! Learn to balance family, personal and career priorities; while enjoying recognition, rewards, and encouragement.

Be Without Limits

Limitless Necklace

The new elegance…striking, breathtaking pieces that give new meaning to modern design.

So effortless, So comfortable, So chic!

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The traditional working world with it’s rigid schedules and long commutes just does not work for many women (especially Moms). Part-time work is difficult to find, often pays low, and has schedules that are subject to the whims of the employer. There has to be a better way to help with the family finances…

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Use these recruiting seeds at parties or while out and about. Always leave them thinking about you, or wondering more about what you are talking about!

These are questions to ask someone or ask at parties for your RECRUITING SEEDS: [click to continue…]


Here’s an eagle’s eye view of the Six Essential Steps of Hostess Coaching. Following these simple steps will go a long way to ensuring the party is a success.

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When hostess coaching you should focus on 1)  building rapport, 2) increasing her motivation, 3) providing instruction, and 4) showing your appreciation.

Do these four things and you’ll have fewer cancellations, higher attendance, and more profits!

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When you ask for a booking you will occasionally encounter booking objections. Perhaps the customer is too busy, her house too small, she has few friends, or she has had little success with similar events. Accept objections as a natural part of your business and learn to overcome them effectively. This is another important step in mastering the art of booking the home party.

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Hostess Coaching describes the frequent contact you have with your Hostess before her party to ensure its success. Coaching is one of the most critical aspects of your business because it greatly influences the sales and bookings that will result from each party.

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Are you nervous about what to say when making those booking calls. Put these scripts  to use and you will see your business grow by leaps and bounds!

Tips for successfully getting bookings:

  • Speak positively and with enthusiasm
  • Make an irresistible offer
  • Have some dates you want to fill
  • Always acknowledge the individual first
  • Give the hostesses 2 dates to choose from

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When you are in direct sales, you have the choice to be successful or unsuccessful, and you can take as prove is this website Far & Away . The only one to set limits on your income and success is you!

There are five basic components to success in direct sales:

  • Prospecting
  • Making contacts
  • Qualification
  • Handling objections effectively
  • Closing

Do not fall into the “natural-born salesman” myth. A lot of people feel if they do not have the right qualities naturally they won’t be able to succeed in direct sales. Forget this myth!
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The Who Do You Know list is your most important tool for booking parties. After completing your list, place a star next to the people you think are most likely to hold a party or may be interested in the opportunity. The more you talk to people about holding a home party of their own, the more confident you will feel and the more courage you will have to call the rest of the people on your list.

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